The Importance of EPS Flute Fill in Metal Roofing Construction
Metal roofing is a popular choice for many commercial or non-commercial roofers, but without the proper insulation, it can be ineffective. The use of Poly Molding’s EPS Flute Fill as roofing insulation is essential to a durable and long-lasting metal roof. EPS Flute Fill is a lightweight, recycled expanded polystyrene (EPS) material that provides the […]
Accelerating Construction Timelines with Geofoam
Geofoam, a lightweight, durable, and efficient material, is an excellent option to reduce project timelines and ease the site preparation process for commercial construction projects. Geofoam, a type of foam foundation block, offers a variety of benefits and applications for construction projects. Contractors have used it to solve several challenges, including transforming steep-sloped lots into […]
How Geofoam Products Save Time and Accelerate Construction Projects
Time is money, so it’s important to ensure that the construction process goes as smoothly as possible. Read on to find out how EPS geofoam saves time and accelerates construction projects.